Alumni Interview with Jeff Greer

In this alumni interview, we talk with Jeff Greer, a previous student of Western Washington University from 1981-1985. In this short interview, Jeff talks about his fondest memories of the sport, as well as what he’s up to now. 

After his rugby days, Jeff focused on his career and currently oversees the Apple stores in Washington State. He is working to bring the ‘old boys’ back into Western Rugby and continue their support in any way they can.

Show Notes

0:08: Jeff Greer introduces himself.

0:37: What is your involvement with Rugby?

1:58: How did Rugby impact your life?

4:15: What do you currently do for work?

4:50: How can the alumni help support?

Wrap Up

Jeff Greer’s Alumni Interview shines a light on his rugby playing days, his current occupation and how rugby has helped build his successful career. He talks about how he is working to bring more support to the rugby team, how rugby has impacted him, and how the alumni can continue to support the team.