In this March issue of WWU Coach Insider, we hear from Paul Horne, head coach of the Western Washington University rugby team. Paul talks about WWU’s big game against the Oregon Ducks and the rescheduled Sunshine Tour in San Diego, which has both players and coaches excited and eager to play some rugby.
Paul also shares some specifics regarding the NCRC Western Regional Championship being hosted by WWU this year, and briefly mentions the collegiate Nationals coming up in Atlanta in mid-May.
Show Notes
0:05: How are you feeling about the season so far?
1:10: What does it mean to host the NCRC Western Regional Championship?
2:05: How are you feeling about the Sunshine Tour in San Diego?
3:50: What’s coming up after the Sunshine Tour?
5:40: How can the alumni help support?
Wrap Up
In this Coach Insider interview, we heard from the head rugby coach at WWU, Paul Horne. Paul spoke about how the season has gone thus far and the team’s upcoming games in Oregon and San Diego. He also shared some insight into the upcoming Western Regional Collegiate Championship.