September Coach Insider: Coach Ryan Lilla

This month we heard from Ryan Lilla, Western Washington University’s strength and conditioning coach. Ryan talks about some of the people that impacted him throughout his playing and coaching career and shares what inspired him to become a coach. He also gives insight into what might be next for the sport of rugby in America.

Ryan played rugby at WWU for two seasons before he had to step away due to injuries and school-related reasons. Unwilling to leave the sport behind, he began volunteering to help with the rugby team’s warm-ups and became a strength and conditioning coach in 2015. 

Ryan also coaches for local high schools to help up-and-coming rugby players develop their health and fitness. With his experience as a player and his strength training knowledge, Ryan helps rugby players reach their full potential on the field.

Show Notes

0:10: Ryan talks about the start of his rugby career and the people that had a big impact on how he coaches rugby.

1:30: What made you decide to become a rugby coach?

3:25: What sports did you play while growing up?

5:10: What is your greatest memory as a coach?

6:50: What is next for the sport of rugby in America?

Wrap Up

Ryan Lilla played rugby at WWU for two seasons before becoming a strength and conditioning coach in 2015. He has helped rugby players of various ages and skill levels improve their fitness and their performance on the field. Ryan is still involved in the rugby community and has high hopes for the future of rugby in America.